Thursday, June 7, 2012


Leisure Alberta has been offered a large bounty to host and organize a bike ride for Cycle-pa-looza in Calgary. Because I don't do anything that I can't do either in ten minutes right now or just re-schedule for next year, it's a go. It's hard, in life, to know what you want. Sometimes it can be easy- I'll take a six lucky lagers and six Palm Bay coolers please. Or, I'll have the lawn chair with the reclining back. Or, no, I don't consider these pants too ragged for polite company. Sometimes there's uncertainty. Like, I'm not sure if I have enough gas to get to Radium Hot Springs... ought I stop? Or, is this one of those fireworks you need to plant in the ground? Or, which is the most downhill bikeride possible in this city anyway? Hard any decision must be made! The ride will start at 16th AVE and 10th St NW, and will finish and 5th AVE and 10th St NW. Beverages and snacks to follow.
"The cradle rocks hammock gently sways above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence life of sweet innocent leisure is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness shitty jobs." Nabokov, Speak Memory moi, suck it, jobs