Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Back to School

After a long sojourn in the working world, I'm back in my natural milieu... HOT TUB!!! No just kidding- school. I want to talk about my art history prof. The reason I decided to take art history is that it's nearly perfectly designed for my lifestyle. Going to class late is hardly noticed (the lights are off so people can see the slide projection). The 'instructor' is a museum curator, with-by her own admission- no interest in marking assignments, but a cheerful interest in answering questions about the eccentric Glenbow founders collections that aren't shown to the public, and also an enthusiasm for JEH MacDonald. I could tell I liked her when I first got to class, but I didn't know why until after: me: "Yeah, sorry about walking in late" her: "ha! don't even think about it" bingo.

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